make money online

How to Make Money Online – Tips from the Experts at Affiliate Summit

You spend hours crafting your post with pictures or video, keywords and links, so why would you just hit publish and move on to the next post? You shouldn’t, at least not…

bored child

Why You Should Do Nothing When You’re Child Says “I’m Bored”

I’m bored, I’m so bored, I am bored. It doesn’t really matter which way my kids say it. When I hear those words come out of their precious, little mouths…

Brown Sugar Maple Syrup Pineapple Ham Crockpot

Brown Sugar – Maple Syrup – Pineapple Ham in the Crockpot

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Here it is, my all time favorite ham recipe: Brown Sugar Maple Syrup Pineapple Ham in the Crockpot. It’s so simple to make, I almost feel guilty serving it. It takes about 15 minutes to prep and another 6-8 hour on low in your slow cooker. This is a set and forget recipe. Run errands, go to work,…

Blogging Advice for Beginners

Blogging Advice for Beginners from the Experts

Whether you’ve been blogging for a while or you’re a beginner, we can all use a little motivation and blogging advice from the experts. Blogging is more than just buying a domain…

Weight Watchers with Momsvilleusa

Weight Watchers During the Holidays – Momsvilleusa

Attempting to lose weight during the holidays is like competing and finishing a Tough Mudder competition. It’s not impossible, but it is difficult. I started this new series Weight Watchers…