Kevin Costner/McFarland,USA/Disney Pictures

Disney’s McFarland USA – 4 Lessons Learned From the Film

Three cheers, uno-dos-tres, for McFarland USA, one of Disney’s non-animated (i.e live-action), non-princess, and non-orphan themed  movie – for those of you keeping track. Disney’s McFarland USA does not disappoint….

My child won't sleep in their own bed

My Preschooler won’t stay in bed at night and sleep!

Updated 12/1/16 I used to be a firm believer in the non co-sleeping, baby needs a schedule – eat, play, sleep Babywise movement. Maybe, it’s because our first child actually…

Monkey on my back

Exercise Induced Anxiety Attack or Just Out of Shape?

*Updated 12/17/16 I guess it’s time to get this monkey off my back. Am I having an exercise induced anxiety attack, or am I just out of shape? It’s a…